Nerd Farmcast Episode 47!
Morning nerds, welcome to Nerd Farmcast Episode 47, another geektastic podcast from Burke and Kevin!
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In Nerd Farmcast Episode 47 Kevin explains how to do it right when getting deported from Canada, remember, “withdraw not forceful ejection” which is surprisingly sounds really French. Then he had to justify his decision to stop hating Dark Souls and using the word “soulslike”.
Of course Nerd Farmcast Episode 47 isn’t just all about Kevin and his flagged status in Canada, although this is quite the achievement, no we also talk about how we first met at LVL Up expo here in Las Vegas years ago, romantic I know, and then we finally scratch the competitive itch with unreasonable comparisons to Doom, Overwatch, and Battleborn. Obviously they are nothing alike besides being competitive, yet I manage to say that I’m much more into Overwatch than Battleborn. You can read my Overwatch Beta impressions here.
Our love for Naughty Dog cannot be contained and it’s what finishes up Nerd Farmcast Episode 47 with The Last of Us and Uncharted 4. Uncharted 4 is a near perfect game when it comes to story telling, but I don’t let it off the hook that easy, I have a few complaints and I let them surface.
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