Nerd Farmcast Episode 46!
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Kevin joins me again for the glorious Nerd Farmcast Episode 46! Episode 46 was going to be all about Firewatch but Kevin somehow managed to talk me into discussing PlayStation 4K (or PS4.5 if you prefer), Xbox 1 1/2 rumors, the 20th anniversary of Resident Evil, and then .
20 years of Resident Evil, can you believe that? Somehow it feels like much more time than that, and being the salty dogs of not only the series but also the genre that we are, Kevin and I find plenty to reminisce about it in Nerd Farmcast Episode 46.
Sure Kevin still has yet to finish Firewatch but I was sure to shame him for it anyway. Then Nerd Farmcast Episode 46 ends with us going over The Division and how exactly my endgame and Danger Zone, I mean Dark Zone play is going. When I say ends with The Division I really mean it as Nerd Farmcast Episode 46 ends abruptly with Kevin’s phone dying because he doesn’t know how to move about his apartment without dislodging it from its only source of power. I think I end it pretty well though, you’ll see.
We’ll finish up this The Division talk when we’ve both spent a little more time in its end game.
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