Nerd Farmcast Episode 20. Watch Dogs review gauntlet.

June 15, 2014
in Category: Podcasts, The Blog
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Nerd Farmcast Episode 20. Watch Dogs review gauntlet.

Nerd Farmcast Episode 20. Watch Dogs review gauntlet.

Watch Dogs review gauntlet.

Because E3 2014 could have been much bigger than it was I decided to broaden some retrospective looks at the passing electronic expo as well as put our Watch Dogs review through the proverbial gauntlet. Nerd Farmcast Episode 20 takes myself and Jared into a frenzy of heated discussions and argumentative nonsense to prove that Watch Dogs is or isn’t good and why AC Unity isn’t just another Assassin’s Creed and why it is. Make sense? Well it shouldn’t, I guess you have to listen to the podcast now. Muahaha…

Broforce as well as other Devolver Digital indies wrapped up into one convenient trailer of madness. All of these titles are slated to come out on PS4 as well as PC

Peaceful and serene, much like Flower and Journey before it, Giant Squid’s Abzu.

And because I said I would, here’s the link to the Battlefield Hardline beta. We’re so nice to you.


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Abzu, AC Unity, assassins creed, Battlefield: Hardline, Broforce, Devolver Digital, E3 2014, Giant Squid, , PlayStation TV, Podcasts, , , Ubisoft, , Watch Dogs

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