The 2014 Farmys! Nerd Farmcast Episode 30!

December 29, 2014
in Category: Gaming, Podcasts, The Blog
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The 2014 Farmys! Nerd Farmcast Episode 30!

The 2014 Farmys! Nerd Farmcast Episode 30!

The 2014 Farmys!

The moment you’ve all been waiting for or loathing over, everyone’s favorite ridiculous award show that truly means nothing brought to you in podcast form like the two times before it. Nerd Farmcast Episode 30 (episode 30!) has a new judge of the obtuse 2014 Farmys, Kevin from The Red Herb joins in.

We managed to sneak just a little bit of the PlayStation Experience in before we got down to those dirty little awards, as promised I’ve included my Until Dawn post and our preview that I highly recommend you take a look at.

So without drawing this out any further, the moment I know you’ve all been impatiently waiting for *drumroll* THE 2014 FARMYS!!!

Best Hide and Seek Simulator but When You’re Found You Die – Alien: Isolation

Best Game You Already Paid for in 2013 of 2014: The Last of Us: Remastered.

Best Advertising Campaign to Oversell an Underwhelming Game – Watch Dogs

far cry 4,2014 farmys,podcast,nerd farmGame With the Most Animals Who are Dicks Far Cry 4

Best Non Game of the Year – P.T.

Quickest Drop of Relevancy – Titanfall

Best Use of an Exo-Suit Outside of a Matt Damon Movie Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Best games that worked better 10 years ago – Halo: Master Chief Collection (Worst fucking cover of the year)

Most Expensive Beta – AC Unity

sunset overdrive,2014 farmys,xbox one,nerd farmBest Return of SOAP Shoes (I did all the hard work for you kids, just click on the link and be amased at what we did for fun in fucking 1997) – Sunset Overdrive

Best Depiction of a Dentist Bent on the Extinction of Candy Costume Quest 2

Worst Surgeon Simulator – Surgeon Simulator (PS4)

Best Game with the Most Australian Accents – Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Best Use of Grinding with Absolutely Nothing to Show For It – Destiny

shadows of mordor,2014 farmys,nerd farmBest Assassin’s Creed of 2014 (aka: Best Decapitation Simulator) Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Best WWI History Lesson Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Best Dad Simulator Octodad: Dadliest Catch

2014 Farmys Game of the Year 

Kevin’s GOTY – Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

wolfenstein the new order,platinum trophy,2014 farmys,nerd farmBurke’s GOTY – Wolfenstein: The New Order

Well there you have it, our 2014 Farmys. If you actually made it to the end of Nerd Farmcast Episode 30 you should be super excited about episode 31 that will be all about our favorite PSOne games, and we may even make it a three way. If I can figure out how to record 3 dudes at one time, you all are in for a treat.


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2014 Farmys, Alien: Isolation, assassins creed, Boderlands: The Pre-Sequel, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Costume Quest 2, Destiny, Far Cry 4, Farmys, game of the year, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, , Octodad: Dadliest Catch, P.T., , , Shadow of Mordor, Sunset Overdrive, Surgeon Simulator, , Titanfall, Valiant Hearts: The Great War, Watch Dogs

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