Star Trek Convention Las Vegas 2014 with The Dork Knight

August 13, 2014
in Category: The Blog, Events
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Star Trek Convention Las Vegas 2014 with The Dork Knight

Star Trek Convention Las Vegas 2014 with The Dork Knight

Star Trek Convention Las Vegas 2014: The Dork Knight Visits the Guardian of Forever

Your friendly neighborhood Dork Knight was invited to the Star Trek Convention Las Vegas 2014 to interview about and to review the con. Here’s a little video about the con that Super Luis put together and be sure to check back soon for the interview with Matthew Kadish.

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The Dork Knight

Supreme Overlord of Operations at
Occasional blogger for Postmodern Moron, Cosmic Comics, and Nerd Farm. I love coffee, comic books, video games, karaoke, and Deftones (not necessarily in that order).
Las Vegas, Star Trek, Matthew Kadish, Star Trek Convention Las Vegas 2014, Star Trek Convention, Earthman Jack, Guardian of Forever


  1. Pingback: A Brief update from Las Vegas |

  2. Pingback: Matthew Kadish Interview with The Dork Knight | Nerd Farm

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