Soul Calibur V Review

January 31, 2012
in Category: Gaming, The Blog
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Soul Calibur V Review

SoulCalibur V is probably the most polished in the series as far as graphics are concerned, which should be a given, being that it’s the newest addition to the franchise and also on a next gen console. But where it really seems to shine for me is not so much the actual fighting but in the character creation.

You are given tables upon tables of loots and options to change various characters or create your own. Then you may edit a custom thumbnail view of that character with backgrounds, foregrounds and other just silly options.  A sharks open maw surrounding your character as he sits down to a tea party, for example.  SCV also features a unique almost Modern Warfare-esque Title system that allows you to add custom titles to your online profile, like mine which boldly states in all it’s troll glory: Serious Business.

However, where SCV falls short is both the character actual design and sheer number of characters.  So far I’m pretty sure I have only encountered two actual new characters: Viola and Z.W.E.I.  Viola has a unique combo attack system where she leaves a floating ball of energy that can be summoned back to her claw hand or thrown at the opposing fighter.  Z.W.E.I. has a single sword which is almost tonfa like in its usage as well as a ghostly wolf that can be used in tandem with his melee skills. The other so called new characters are really just re-skinned versions of old classics, Xiba for Kilik, Aeon for Lizard Man, having replaced his shield for dual axes but given him no greater ability to wield the two.

Another downfall to the series that has been added in this iteration is the hokey super move system which functions much like the no brain moves of Marvel vs Capcom and the Street Fighter series. A few button presses can be entered, and grant the player or computer a nearly undodgeable attack which will be spammed by skilless nOObs and AI players alike granting victory to the undeserving.

But other than a couple flaws here and there, it seems to hold up pretty nicely.  You can even name XBL players as your nemesis, and watch their stats increase or decrease as they and you play.  And returning to the titles I mentioned earlier, you can capture opposing players titles by defeating them in matches across XBL.

I’m sure that none of what I deem negative will detract too much from the entirety of the game’s fun factor and I will probably continue to be a hardcore fan in spite of what I hate most about new games.  So if you are a franchise fan like myself, or looking for that entry level fighter that doesn’t require the sychophantism or fan-boyism of Street Fighter, King of Fighters, or MvC, but rather can be picked up and played by both casuals and the hardcore, give SoulCalibur V a try.

Also, it’s got that pole swinging, hay diving, high flying yahoo from Assassin’s Creed.

That is all.


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Gamer, Pet Owner, IRL Troller, Blogger.
assassins creed, axes, fighters, fighting, Gaming Reviews, kof, legends never die, mvc, street fighter, swords

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