Recent Game Publisher/Developers hacked

June 13, 2011
in Category: Gaming, The Blog
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Recent Game Publisher/Developers hacked

Game Publishers / Developers hacked

It took me some time to write about these recent attacks on Sony, , Codemasters, Epic and now Bethesda. In fear that writing about it would have my private information hacked somehow. But then I realized, no one reads my blogs anyway, so I should be safe. The two power house “hacker” groups Lulzsec and Anonymous have waged war on some game developers by attacking their websites for customers personal information. Both groups deny some of these attacks, but Lulzsec’s twitter has been quoted boasting towards Bethesda. We all know what the attacks did to Sony, shutting PSN down for over 4 weeks.

I think I understand the hackers points in these attacks, feeling games should be produced better, or with “more care”. Especially with comments made to Bethesda about Brink and Fallout: New Vegas, with something to the effect of “fix your junk”. I get it, the publisher/develepors sites were not well secure, and it was easy to show their “holes” in security.

I say all of this not knowing great details, but asking,with the utmost respect, please stop. Being an avid gamer, my private information is on almost all of those sites, considering I own, and have accounts with most of those sites,the biggest of which being PSN. I feel your (hackers) deep passion for wanting better games and better security on websites, but please, it personally scares me to death knowing my personal information keeps getting stolen (yet luckily not used). I just want some sort of security knowing my information, in the hands of game developers I love so much, is safe. I can play without worry, and continue the hobby I enjoy so much.

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Anonymous, , Brink, Codemasters, Epic, Fallout New Vegas, Gaming, Lulzsec, , PSN,

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