Meanwhile, in other parts of the Universe…Nerd Girls!
Not everyone was lucky enough to attend PAX all four days this year. I was busy Sunday saving the world as Iron Girl, along with my fellow super ladies, , and .
Come check out these nerd girls in these sexy superhero renditions of the Avengers and Justice League!! You know you wanna! Like their page if you want and check back often, as there will be so many more epic, nerdy, amazing photos to come!
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Julie Boudreaux
Gamer. Model. LEGO Luvrrr.
Latest posts by Julie Boudreaux (see all)
- Meanwhile, in other parts of the Universe…nerd girls! - September 5, 2013
- Take Me Down to the Unicorn City - January 1, 2013
- So You Wanna Make Games? Jesse Schell Can Help! - September 7, 2012