Nerd Farmcast Episode 44! Star Wars, Fallout, CODBlOps, and SNES.

December 7, 2015
in Category: Podcasts, The Blog
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Nerd Farmcast Episode 44! Star Wars, Fallout, CODBlOps, and SNES.

Nerd Farmcast Episode 44

Whoa boy, it’s been a bit since our last podcast, but trust me, Nerd Farmcast Episode 44 is worth it. Yeah it’s not the 2015 Farmys, which I can only assume wont be that great since there wasn’t actually an abundance of terrific or terrifically and notably horrible games either. Yet Nerd Farmcast Episode 44 includes not two, but three people! Nic and Kevin join forces to bring you one of the most echoing podcasts to date!

There were just a few technical glitches in Nerd Farmcast Episode 44 trying to update the way we do things using Google Hangouts, which is 1: Confusing, and 2: brought up a myriad of other problems which included Kevin’s own Chromebook to disregard the ability to actually use Google Hangouts. Once we finally got everything figured out, that echo you’re hearing was the least of our problems and we followed the Dude’s motto, “Fuck it”.

So without anymore excuses here’s Nerd Farmcast Episode 44 covering Nic’s experience with Star Wars Battlefront, Kevin’s sales pitch on Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, my wandering the wasteland in Fallout 4, and a short celebration of the Super Nintendo’s 25th birthday!

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Call of Duty Black Ops 3, Fallout 4, Google, Google Hangouts, , , , , SNES, Star Wars Battlefront, Super Nintendo, Super Nintendo Entertainment System,

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