Nerd Farmcast Episode 39. Cover Them SMITE ADC’s.

August 4, 2015
in Category: Podcasts, The Blog
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Nerd Farmcast Episode 39. Cover Them SMITE ADC’s.

Nerd Farmcast Episode 39. Cover Them SMITE ADC’s.

Nerd Farmcast Episode 39

Nic and I continue our journey through every god in Hi-Rez Studio’s MOBA, SMITE. Last podcast we covered the gods alphabetically from Agni to Aphrodite. In Nerd Farmcast Episode 39 we ditch that ol’ alphabetical song and dance and cover only the ADC’s, also known as hunters.

Since the ADC’s builds are typical and very similar to each other in SMITE, we managed to cover all 11 hunters in the latest Nerd Farmcast Episode 39. Head over to if you want to follow along and actually see the abilities and items rather than envision our terrible math and calculations.

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ADC, Apollo, Artemis, Cupid, Hou Yi, Hunter, Medusa, , Neith, , , Rama, Smite, Ullr, Xbalanque

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