Nerd Farmcast Episode 33
We welcome Nic back into the fray in Nerd Farmcast Episode 33 to focus specifically in the 4v1 phenomena that is Evolve. We’re enjoying the crap out of it so far and since we’ve figuratively sunk our teeth deep into Evolve over the past few weeks we feel that we must have all the answers to your burning questions. Just how good is Evolve? What Hunter is best for me? How the hell do I actually succeed with the Wraith? I promise you…most of those get answered.
Podcast: |
Nerd Farmcast Episode 33 also dabbles on the age old question, “quality over quantity”, and we also talk a bit about Dragon Age Inquisition. So sit back and try not to get annoyed.
If you were wondering why it sounds like Nic is constantly slapping his fleshy bits around during Nerd Farmcast Episode 33, it’s actually him shaking up paint bottles since he was masterfully painting this tailed thing while also dialing out heavy Evolve strategies.
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