Nerd Farmcast Episode 26. PAX Prime 2014 Day 3!

September 1, 2014
in Category: Events, Podcasts, The Blog
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Nerd Farmcast Episode 26. PAX Prime 2014 Day 3!

Nerd Farmcast Episode 26. PAX Prime 2014 Day 3!

Nerd Farmcast Episode 26

Day 3 of PAX Prime 2014 was a little more laxed, but that doesn’t mean Nerd Farmcast Episode 26 is. It’s filled with all of the games we had a chance to mess with along with a little tussle between Nic and myself over what “casual” gamer is, spoiler, it has nothing to do with playing PC games or not. Although it was spoken like a typical PC elitist.

Telltale Games Tales from the Borderlands took up most of our morning followed by aimless wandering that led to some other title’s we typically wouldn’t have played if we’d hadn’t actually had this extra time. Hear about Dead Island 2, Gat out of Hell, Disney Infinity, and LittleBigPlanet 3.

It’s all topped off with some sweet Wargaming, giving some unexpected love to their newest World of Warships.


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Dead Island 2, Disney Infinity, Gat out of Hell, LittleBigPlanet 3, , PAX Prime, PAX Prime 2014, , Telltale Games, Wargaming, World of Warships

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