Nerd Farmcast Episode 25. PAX Prime 2014 Day 2!

August 31, 2014
in Category: Events, Podcasts, The Blog
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Nerd Farmcast Episode 25. PAX Prime 2014 Day 2!

Nerd Farmcast Episode 25. PAX Prime 2014 Day 2!

Nerd Farmcast Episode 25

PAX Prime 2014 Day 2 was packed full of gaming goodness, so much in fact that you’re in for quite a treat this Nerd Farmcast Episode 25. Unfortunately there was a downside, after seeing and getting to enjoy so much, the abysmal Saturday after parties were a bust, leaving us to podcast early for the night, unnourished.

Day 2 of PAX was filled with a bunch of underdogs waiting to gain high praise, most from the Devolver booth, Not a Hero, The Talos Principle, and Titan Souls were all epics for indies. But we also got to talk to Gabe from Double Fine about one of my faves, Costume Quest 2. I was blown away by The Order 1886 and had my ego petted by Bloodborne.

Obviously we saw much much more, but I guess you’ll just have to listen to Nerd Farmcast Episode 25 to hear the rest.

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Founder. at Nerd Farm
Everybody relax, I'm here.
Bloodborne, Costume Quest 2, Not a Hero, PAX, PAX Penny Arcade Expo., PAX Prime, PAX Prime 2014, Penny Arcade Expo, , , The Order: 1886, The Talos Principle, Titan Souls


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