Nerd Farmcast Episode 22. Delays and Chris Pratt jealousy.

August 7, 2014
in Category: Podcasts, The Blog
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Nerd Farmcast Episode 22. Delays and Chris Pratt jealousy.

Nerd Farmcast Episode 22. Delays and Chris Pratt jealousy.

Nerd Farmcast Episode 22

Nerd Farmcast Episode 22 is here! This podcast had to be done, if you wait until the end of it you’ll hear the end of a text battle I had with Nic over not seeing Guardians of the Galaxy, which I will adamantly say everyone who likes good, fun movies. Only people who don’t like fun won’t like Guardians, Nic likes fun but I think now is going to avoid Guardians of the Galaxy just out of spite.

Earlier though in Nerd Farmcast Episode 22 Nic tries to explain Hearthstone to me and the newest Naxxramas expansion, we discuss the lack of AAA games coming out in 2014 because of delays most notably Evolve, Mercedes Mario Kart 8 DLC, the latest Twitch copyright debacle, and Rubber even makes it into the conversation.

Why the Mercedes SUV though? WTF Mercedes and , everyone knows the only modern Mercedes being purchased now are the sedans and possibly the GL series, but I digress since in the podcast I mix up Mercedes tags with Cadillac tags (but I bet you didn’t even notice).

For shits and giggles I had to include Chris Pratt god mode “Forgot About Dre” freestyle for those who are still questioning whether to see Guardians of the Galaxy yet, besides Nic obviously who I think is secretly jealous of Mr. Pratt.

Here’s the available at Amazon.


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Cadillac, Chris Pratt, Evolve, Guardians of the Galaxy, Hearthstone, Mario Kart 8, Naxxramas, , , Podcasts, Video Game Video

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