Nerd Farmcast Episode 18. Kinectless Xbox Ones for everyone!

May 17, 2014
in Category: Podcasts, The Blog
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Nerd Farmcast Episode 18. Kinectless Xbox Ones for everyone!

Nerd Farmcast Episode 18. Kinectless Xbox Ones for everyone!

Nerd Farmcast Episode 18

Nic and I had to podcast about the latest Microsoft shenanigans with their Xbox One. That’s obviously not all we talk about in this Nerd Farmcast Episode 18, and I think “we” is more like me ranting about the removal of the previously mandatory , dropping of the pesky app paywalls, and the erroneous comments from a Microsoft exec.

South Park: the Stick of Truth makes a spoiler free appearance, so if you’re questioning whether to buy the tongue in cheek RPG, Nerd Farmcast Episode 18 should clear up some doubts for you.

Now that you’ve hopefully finished our short but sweet podcast, here’s the Outlast video Nic was talking about.

Brittany vs Outlast 5:

And I know every single one of you were wondering what wondrous game could be beaten without firing one bullet, so here it is Breakthru! Notice you only have to “Breakthru” each level (see what they did there), you don’t have to actually finish any bosses, just simply, break through.

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Breakthru, Kinect, , , Outlast, Podcasts, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Video Game Video,

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