First 48 Hours. My Xbox One

March 12, 2014
in Category: The Blog, Gaming
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First 48 Hours. My Xbox One

First 48 Hours. My Xbox One

First 48 hours. My Xbox One

I didn’t pick up an Xbox One day one, I thought I knew better. I thought waiting a few months for the unannounced but obvious Titanfall bundle was not only the smart option, but the best option. Months turned to weeks, and soon I was only days away from getting my hands on THE most anticipated game of 2014.

I traded in my Xbox 360 and all but 8 games (Deadly Premonition and 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand among those kept), got a pretty penny for everything, and paid off my Titanfall bundle so I could easily pick it up after work and start blowing the shit out of the bro’s infesting the Titanfall servers.

xbox one titanfall bundle,microsoft,titanfall,nerd farm blogWell, nothing I could ever have wanted happened the first day with my Xbox One. Hooking up my Xbox One was pretty simple and very straight forward, this connection in the only slot it fits in here, place the there, and press…where do I press to turn this bastard on? Like feeling for some hidden button that opens a trap door I finally just tap the icon “X” and viola, POWER!

Connected to my router and immediately started downloading and installing the required updates. This is where the smooth sailing ends and my troubles began. Trying to sign in proved impossible. Those in the know understand Xbox Live service was down at ~0900 the morning of March 11th, 2014. Never forget. Sign in errors suggested my router was to blame, so like any person who knows what the IT guy on the other line will ask you to do would be unplug and reboot the router. Done…3 times. No dice, the error was still saying my home network was wrong and needed to return my router to its default settings.

I’m raging right now, Xbox is tight lipped, not reporting any login errors at the time, and I’ve been here messing with my router, returning it to its defaults, searching for its godamn disc to reinstall all its shit, and then connected to it again under its defaults. Still no go, I’m seconds from returning my Xbox One when finally, and hour and a half later, Microsoft starts announcing they’re having “login issues”. That would have been nice to know an hour ago you jerk offs!!! What? The lamp just went out on my old ass DLP TV!?! Godamnit!

xbox one,box,microsoft,nerd farm blogNow, understanding the error was with Microsoft and not on my end, or more cost worthy, my Xbox One I then understood it was now time to play the waiting game. I had this brand new Xbone, with nothing to do on it because I couldn’t login for the first time and download anything I needed to. No downloading Titanfall to prepare for when I could login, no Netflix, no music, no nothing. A $500 black box not doing shit. Might as well be watching a godamn cardboard box.

Microsoft wanted the Xbone to originally be online only with no disc drive, I can tell you right now, from my first 48 hours with my Xbox One, I’m out on that shit. Our internet is too slow and servers are obviously not ready for optimal loads of any kind. My frustrations stemmed much further than my inability to do anything I was able to do with my PS4 right out the box, but with the fact Microsoft didn’t report errors until an hour after the problems arose and the fact that all the errors put the fault on my end, MY END! March 11th, 2014. Never Forget.

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Founder. at Nerd Farm
Everybody relax, I'm here.
Xbox 360, , Gaming Editorial, Deadly Premonition, Kinect, Netflix, Editorial, xbox live, , Titanfall

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