Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number – Dial Tone trailer draws a body count.

April 8, 2014
in Category: Gaming, The Blog
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Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number – Dial Tone trailer draws a body count.

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number – Dial Tone trailer draws a body count.

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number – Dial Tone trailer

Devolver Digital dropped the first official Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number – Dial Tone trailer and it does everything but disappoint. I know that sounds generic and almost crass, but it’s true. I’m even more surprised that at this point it only has around 8,700 views. Do people still not know about Hotline Miami?

Insane right? Picking apart the video, and talking to absolutely none of the devs, I can only speculate on some of the crazy new features of Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number.

hotline miami 2: Wrong Number - Dial Tone trailer,devolver digital,nerd farm blogHotline Miami 2: Wrong Number – Dial Tone trailer continues with the iconic Hotline Miami soundtrack, getting you pumped one beat after the next. The biggest features were obviously the newest akimbo smg’s and the strange two partners that looked like a deranged Mario Bros. I doubt the two are anything multiplayer related, but I’m very interested to see how you’ll control these two new killing machines.

While talking two Dennis Wedin, a popular developer of Hotlime Miami, he hinted at new emphasis on gameplay rather than dependence on masks. I think we’ve gotten our answers on how that is going to work, well, kind of.

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is set to release PC, PS3/PS4/PS Vita in Q3 of 2014. Microsoft can suck a huge fatty apparently. I’ve watched this trailer at least 6 times now, I cannot wait to suck at it on PS4 and blast the soundtrack at level 11.

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Dennis Wedin, Devolver Digital, Hotline Miami, Hotline Miami 2, Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, PC Gaming, ps vita, PS3, , Video Game Trailer

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