Gamescom 2014. Everything that Matters.

August 13, 2014
in Category: The Blog, Gaming
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Gamescom 2014. Everything that Matters.

Gamescom 2014. Everything that Matters.

Gamescom 2014. All that Matters.

Greetings from Deutschland, ya. That was my attempt at a German accent over text, I’m pretty sure you got the gist. Gamescom 2014 is the popular expo that takes place over in the land of Germany and despite being quite popular, flies pretty low under the radar here in the states. So, while you were sleeping in, we decided to gather up all the goodies and give them to you in one leftover doggie bag.

This conference wasn’t so much a battle between and Sony as previous expos have been over the past year, while each showed impressive titles, neither were at each other’s throats.

playstation tv,gamescom 2014,sony,nerd farmSony didn’t show too many ground breaking indies or crazy new titles except for announcing DayZ for the PS4, but they did announce that Sony TV will be hitting North American soil October 14th, which makes this Sony junkie quite happy. The conference was also the time to detail the newest 2.0 update that will be starting in September, which will begin PlayStation’s brilliant Share Plan. Remember that thing that lets you play with friends who don’t own certain titles and can allow them to take over your controller to help you complete certain areas on games? Yeah, that’s happening. I wonder how it will work with Far Cry 4‘s 10 buddy codes…

Then Sony pulled an EA and announced an expansion for Destiny before the game has even launched. For Shame, Sony, for shame.

Microsoft said fuck you to day 1 adapters bringing out 3 limited edition 1TB consoles without connect for $400 and essentially confirming that the Kinect is a dead and dying peripheral on limited life support.

The aptly named Rise of the Tomb Raider is now an Xbone exclusive, unsure what the NPD sales were between consoles for Crystal Dynamics last Tomb Raider title were, but I’m assuming Microsoft payed Square Enix a pretty penny to keep fans loyal to the Xbone.

Microsoft did stay on a positive note however, preloading of “select” (emphasis on select) digital titles will be starting sometime in Sept, and the famed Goat Simulator among other indies will be hitting the Xbox One as part of the ID @ Xbox program.

While WiLD the PS4 exclusive from Wild Sheep didn’t look deep with gameplay details, it did have breathtaking visuals and curious characters, it’s seeing what the title is possible of that keeps it on the radar.

Ghost of a Tale from Seith CG, a stealth game with puzzle dynamics that has an undeniable cute factor is another indie to watch out for.

P.T. the interactive horror teaser that’s available to play on the PlayStation Store right now ended up being a *spoiler!* teaser for and Guillermo Del Toro‘s upcoming Silent Hill game, Silent Hills. Yes that’s really the name, but with the teaser being absolutely frightening, I’m sure it will make people “shit their pants”, so says Hideo.


There was of course 15 minutes of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain gameplay, but you couldn’t possibly want to see that, right? Well here it is anyways.


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, , Hideo Kojima, , , Square Enix, Gamescom, Silent Hill, Destiny, Crystal Dynamics, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, PlayStation Store, DayZ, PlayStation TV, Goat Simulator, Europe, Gamescom 2014, Guillermo Del Toro, P.T., Silent Hills, Ghost of a Tale, WiLD, Wild Sheep, Rise of the Tomb Raider, ID @ Xbox

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