Costume Quest 2 preview. PAX Prime 2014

September 26, 2014
in Category: Events, Gaming, The Blog
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Costume Quest 2 preview. PAX Prime 2014

Costume Quest 2 preview. PAX Prime 2014

Costume Quest 2 preview

Easily some of the funniest times we had at PAX Prime 2014 was hands on with the Costume Quest 2 preview, so I jumped on the opportunity to talk to Gabe Miller, one of the lead writers for Costume Quest 2 from Double Fine.

With the return of familiar faces and elements, it’s refreshing to see the addition of plenty of new ideas and mechanics in Costume Quest 2. From a totally revamped combat system to brilliant and often funny cutscenes, Costume Quest 2‘s October 7th release date can’t come soon enough. The obvious inclusion of tons and tons of costumes has me salivating at the idea of hilarious and exciting combat. It’s funny to think that such a cute game could actually have so much depth, Midnight City and Double Fine have really hit the nail on the head this time.


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Costume Quest, Costume Quest 2, Double Fine, Double Fine Productions, Gabe Miller, Midnight City, PAX Prime, PAX Prime 2014, PC Gaming, Penny Arcade Expo, RPG

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